Example: Optimising Colours

We took this PNG image of a tiger and saved it in GIF format with different numbers of colours in an optimised palette.

Colours Original 255 128
Result Original image of tiger Tiger with 255 colours Tiger with 128 colours
Close up Close-up of original image of tiger Close-up of tiger with 255 colours Close-up of tiger with 128 colours
Size (kB) 33.6 11.2 9.9
Colours 64 32 16
Result Tiger with 64 colours Tiger with 32 colours Tiger with 16 colours
Close up Close-up of Tiger with 64 colours Close-up of tiger with 32 colours Close-up of tiger with 16 colours
Size (kB) 8.0 6.1 5.0

The trade-off here is principally in colour accuracy rather than detail, although the smoothness of gradients suffers as well. In most cases 64 or 32 colours is enough for a GIF image on a website and reduces size by 30-50% when compared to an image with 255 colours.